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Page 1 of Windows 11

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Windows 11

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 29th January 2022, 14:39

So, I decided to install it on a laptop the other day, something to do ;)

most of my machines wouldn't upgrade due to ancient hardware, but this laptop passed.

install was sort of quick and painless, I made a bit of a meal of it, by trying to be clever as always ;)

started with a fresh disk, let windows install, that was fine, all worked, then booted into a usb Kubuntu, used that to resize/create partitions, installed, rebooted, grub looked good, booted into kubuntu ok, rebooted, chose windows, windows spewed up an error message, refused to start, wouldn't repair, so i tried again, probably should have done some googling, but where is the fun in that, a quick look suggsted windows 11/Linux dual boot is fine, even if screen shots were win 10 install!

so did that another time, same result, so next time I started the installed, I trashed the partitions, and let windows take over on install, then in disk mgmt inside windows when it finished installing, created one to use for linux swap, one to use for linux, and one for files, that I can share between both.

rebooted into linux live cd, this time i didn't tell it to mount any of the windows partitions, but to just use the 8gb partition i created as swap, and the 32 gb partition i created for linux, reboot, yay, can get into both.

by default Win 11 has bitlockered the NTFS drives, so I guess when I resized in Linux on next boot it shat itself as not "same" drive.

disk partition tool in Kubuntu recognised there are NTFS partitions, and says they bitlocker, quick google and you can dl a tool to access them, I've not played with it yet, I guess as long as you know the bitlocker key (which you can get from logging into your MS account online) you can access.

So, for now it's working, and well, it found all the drivers for this generic Dell laptop with no problem, but that's not really a surprise I guess, Dell's site said it worked.

i've not done anything other than surf so far.

wierd the windows button being in the middle, take a bit of getting used to, umpteen years of going to bottom left hand corner, but windows button still opens bar, but that pops up a mobile stylelaunch screen rather than start menu, I guess that's what more ppl are used to these days?

there's still 2 different control panels.

some of the new icons aren't obvious what they are, and right click on a file in explorer, now brings up a menu, with some menu items, some icons, so you have to hover over the icon if you're not sure what it is.

this is windows insider preview, so that could change.

not tried any games yet, may try Roblox over the weekend, or install bluestacks to play a phone game and see how it it.

Liked by: marksparks999
Thanks from: marksparks999

RE: Windows 11

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2022, 09:18

turned off bitlocker on 1 drive for files, Kubuntu went in that fine

the other, I installed dislocker

in file browser went to the bitlockered drive, it asked for a password, I entered the
recovery key, and it's opened fine :)

fingers crossed when i boot to win11 everything is still fine

RE: Windows 11

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2022, 09:24

I've been running it on my games PC for a while now and apart from looking different, I can't tell any difference. I didn't get any issues with VR that other people have reported.


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Liked by: admars

RE: Windows 11

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2022, 12:10

No particular plans to update but I thought I'd check compatibility.

TPM2.0 must be supported and enabled, no idea what that is, but my processor is not supported.
AMD A10-7700K Radeon R7

Will that be AMD in general or just this model?


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RE: Windows 11

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2022, 12:15

Snaps says...
"Will that be AMD in general or just this model?"

It'll just be that model.

Similarly, while my TPM is enabled, the Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU in my laptop isn't supported for a Windows 11 upgrade.

Apparently, you can download an ISO and update to Windows 11 anyway, but your luck may vary whether it will work or not.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

Thanks from: Snaps

RE: Windows 11

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 30th January 2022, 21:25

Jitendar Canth says...
"Apparently, you can download an ISO and update to Windows 11 anyway, but your luck may vary whether it will work or not.

Yes I read somewhere that the iso is less stringent and lets you install it on hardware that the checker may fail on inside Win10, and there's hacks you can do to get round it, BUT what happens after a windows update decides to reinforce what you could bypass? For that reason, my windows 10 inside preview machine is staying on that, since it failed the check.

RE: Windows 11

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023, 18:03

I've been using it for a week now on my work PC, so it's become my main OS now, the only thing I'm wondering is how long will it take for me to get used to moving mouse to just left of bottom middle for start menu rather than bottom left hand corner ;)

So far I've not noticed an problems, even our own in house software seems to work as it did in 10, which had brought in problems which we didn't have in xp and 7.

btw it was an upgrade from 10, via windows update, took a while, but worked fine.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023, 18:04

RE: Windows 11

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023, 19:11

admars says...
"the only thing I'm wondering is how long will it take for me to get used to moving mouse to just left of bottom middle for start menu rather than bottom left hand corner ;)"

You can move it to the old bottom left position in the settings. That was the first thing I did when I upgraded to 11.

The only thing I hate about 11 is that the taskbar icons are always grouped with no option for taskbar labels. They are re-adding this in a patch at some point, though.

The new file explorer context menu looks like ass too, but thankfully you can disable it and revert to the old one.

[VIDEO] RE: Windows 11

Jitendar Canth (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2024, 22:00

If you bypassed the incompatibility check to get Win 11 working on older hardware, then some older processors that could spoof the check to get it working, will no longer work for the next update.

Details in this vid

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Windows 11

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 14th February 2024, 08:46

I decided not to risk trying that just in case something like this happened.


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