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Info and forum posts by 'Jitendar Canth'

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Joined on: Thursday, 27th September 2001, 18:13, Last used: Friday, 6th September 2013, 12:07

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This user has posted a total of 7430 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.9 messages a day, or 6.29 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 11 messages, which is on average 0.37 messages a day.

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Roger Corman RIP

The king of the Bs has passed. 98 was a good innings though.

It’s astounding just how influential he was, just how much of modern Hollywood he shaped. A few years ago I reviewed this documentary that just scratched the surface.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Sunday, 12th May 2024, 06:57

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

Just watched it the old fashioned way, and somehow managed to avoid spoilers for 18 hours.

And that was gloriously absurd. It reminded me, in a good way of the 2005 reinvention of the franchise, with Russell T Davies somehow blending silly with scary and making it work as event TV. Just like then, I don't know if there will be too much rewatch value, but unlike then, I'm not sure how I feel about this as part of the Doctor Who legacy.

I'm still not cool with the genre switch.

But, I have to say that I was entertained to my bones by the show for the first time in years. Just like you say mbilko, daft grins all around.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

The Red Dwarf panel from Liverpool Comicon

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] Boris the not-a-spider

This almost makes that stupid anti-democratic law worthwhile… almost.

Turns out that when they list driving licences, old paper driving licences don’t count, or 30 year old London transport Photocards.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The All New Doctor Who Thread...

To tide you over till May 11th,

This is surprisingly good.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The Speccy reborn

A handheld Speccy which isn't the Vega... has already been completed and come to market without any kickstarter shenanigans?

Here it is...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Deadpool & Wolverine

Trailer time...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Ripping CDs

Last time I ripped a CD, I used an application called CDex, on a Windows 98 machine. I don't know if it will work on a modern machine, but it rips straight from CD to mp3 or wav without much faff, even letting you set the bitrate.

Just searching the directory on my HD threw up a Windows Defender warning for another file, telling me it had a 2018 ransomware. The file is a 2000 program though. Unless ransomware can travel through time...

I don't know if that old version will work, and it might be quicker to just search for a newer version of CDex

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Friday, 19th April 2024, 18:29

RE: [VIDEO] Living on Youtube

In a million years in some alien museum, a big blob will be taking a bunch of little blobs on a school trip, and they'll come to a human skeleton in a glass case, where the caption will read, "No species has ever disappeared up its own arse as quickly and as spectacularly stupidly as the humans"

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Friday, 19th April 2024, 12:27

[VIDEO] RE: Liz Truss PM

Liz Truss described as Queenie from Blackadder II by Rory Stewart in The Rest is Politics podcast... EDIT: From 43 mins

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th April 2024, 18:36

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

An AI made this trailer...

A sign of the end times?

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

The last time I spent money on a videogame was around 2003/4, when I bought Giants: Citizen Kabuto on budget, a Windows XP compatible disc in an Amaray case, cut down from an initial big box release. It turns out that I quit paid gaming at just the right time... as the following palaver is really depressing.

I only play free to play ad supported browser or phone games now, and will never spend money on a game again.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

It took a five month binge-watch to make it through classic Who, I thought it was just two more Doctors, but it turned out to be three, four even if you look at it a certain way. I certainly do...

Sylvester McCoy Year 1. If the last year of Colin Baker's run was bad, McCoy's first year was even worse, Doctor Who's nadir. The character regenerated into a Charlie Chaplin homage, with McCoy goofing around, randomly falling over at the drop of a hat, and delivering the worst cliffhanger of the series (ironically in the only half-decent story of the year). Incidentally, the beeb had cut the run by half, with 14 episodes a year, split into four stories, as opposed to the six or seven stories of previous seasons. And Mel keeps on screaming. What might have been good about the stories is hamstrung by stunt casting that fails to work, Ken Dodd is bad, Richard Briers is godawful.

Sylvester McCoy Years 2 and 3. At the time, I had no confidence in Doctor Who at this point, as I had first encountered McCoy and Sophie Aldred as childrens TV presenters, and got some serious cognitive dissonance seeing them as actors. But McCoy's final two years offer Doctor Who at its best. It's as if the character's personality regenerated. Gone was the bumbling clown, to be replaced by a Machiavellian, acerbic tongued schemer with a mysterious past, and Ace was the best companion since Sarah Jane, someone with agency and dramatically an equal of the Doctor. The new character dynamic presaged the modern reinvention, and there was a semblance of continuity over the stories that also felt modern. There are seven amazing stories in this final two years. Even the dodgiest looking one, The Happiness Patrol with its Bertie Bassett robot, on the surface too similar to that Richard Briers story, turns out to be Doctor Who's best satire. It's just a shame that the final story reverts back to Season 1 silliness, a weak Master Story with stunt casting (Hale and Pace); a disappointing note to go out on.

Paul McGann. A one and done TV movie, made mostly with American money. There's not a lot that I like about this one. Paul McGann was great casting as the Doctor, the production values were great; I love the Steampunk Gothic TARDIS, and the music was good. But the story was dire and utterly tropey, Eric Roberts was all over the place as The Master, and made for the US audience, it lost so much of its DNA that felt like a parody at times. But then again, there were elements (particularly the production design) that would obviously inspire Russell T Davies' reboot. McGann finally got a decent TV outing in Night of the Doctor.

Richard E. Grant. For a small period of time between its release and the reboot, The Scream of the Shalka was canon in Doctor Who and Richard E. Grant was the ninth Doctor. It's not on iPlayer, but it is still on the archive BBC site (You can DuckDuckGo for it). It's difficult to watch without Flash, but you can also download an MP4 version from the Internet Archive, albeit with burnt in French subtitles for half of it. And it's pretty good. The animation is archaic at this point, and it's a basic aliens invading Earth story, but Grant's Doctor, despite the awful character design making him look like Count Dracula, is a fascinating reinvention. Once more, presaging Eccleston and Tennant, his Doctor is damaged goods, dealing with some past trauma, and wanting to chuck it all in. Sardonic and lacking patience, he's also reminiscent of Capaldi's Doctor. He's compelled by higher forces to go to Earth and deal with the invasion, and it's only when he encounters a feisty local girl, that he begins to reengage with the world. Speaking of Tennant, this is David Tennant's first role in Doctor Who, although blink and you'll miss him.

I suppose a ranking is in order at this point.

1. Tom Baker
2. Patrick Troughton
3. Sylvester McCoy Years 2 and 3
4. Peter Davidson
5. Richard E. Grant
6. Colin Baker
7. Jon Pertwee
8. Paul McGann
9. William Hartnell
10. Sylvester McCoy Year 1

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The Pie Thread!

Stinky and homeless? That'll be £2000 please...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

The latest Time Team chases down the English Civil War...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

So next up in my trip through classic Who was the Peter Davidson years. This was actually the first Doctor Who that I watched, after crawling out from behind the sofa, and it was okay-ish. Most of the stories were good, but I now feel as if his Doctor was overshadowed by the companions. The character wasn't as interesting either although following Tom Baker was an impossible ask. They did get this "old man in a young body" vibe right, but by making him feel like a careworn teacher taking a bunch of kids on a school outing. But generally the stories were solid, if unspectacular, even if Adric was the original Wesley Crusher, and there was a little too much of Anthony Ainley's Master being evil for the sake of being evil.

Then we come to Colin Baker... Doctor Who was flying off the rails at this point with producers trying anything to save the show from the inevitable claw of Michael Grade. It's a common complaint of good actors in the role being served with poor writing, but I guess this is the first time in Doctor Who history. Colin Baker is also served by poor costuming as well. What were they thinking! The stories weren't bad in his first season, but the characterisation was poor, with a misguided attempt to make the Doctor seem dangerous. There was some out of character violence and some James Bond style quips that just felt out of place. There was also zero chemistry with the companion, Peri. Then CB's second and final season shows up, with The Trial of the Time Lord, and the goodness in the stories vanishes as well. There are a few good ideas, but poorly executed. The final story of the season introduces a new companion also, Mel. In 1978's Just William, Bonnie Langford memorably said "I'll thcweam, and thcweam, and thcweam until I'm thick" And as Mel scream she does... constantly. So annoying.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

The pinnacle of VFX technology... Was in Mary Poppins?

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The Pie Thread!

Scotland's got a new law...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail (FOTSN)

Balls, rings of fire, space tortoise

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The All New Doctor Who Thread...

And Trailer #2

Less than six weeks to go...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:here comes the new boss, same as the old boss

Don't make me agree with Hitler, you won't like me when I agree with Hitler...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:Living on Youtube

It's the wrong pill, Gromit

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Is dvdreviewer no more?......

Snaps says...
"Do the locals gather round the escalator like the apes round the monolith? 🙂"

I found an image of the lesser spotted IOW escalator in use...

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

[VIDEO] RE:The All New Doctor Who Thread...

Trailer for Season 1 is now live...

Looking more and more like a genre flip. It is meant to be sci-fi, right?

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: Is dvdreviewer no more?......

Still works for me... I even tried flushing the DNS cache just in case.

Maybe the domain just needed renewing.
Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: My Coin Collection (ish)

I’d pay 50p for one…

Edit: Deleted bad mood rant…

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

This item was edited on Monday, 18th March 2024, 12:33

[VIDEO] RE:The All New Doctor Who Thread...

Some idiot marketeer thinks that putting the first two episodes on iPlayer on May 11th at Midnight will pull in viewers (just so we get them at the same time as the US does, because the US is so much more important when it comes to Doctor Who)

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

Snaps says...
"...and Jelly Babies. 🙂"

Amazing what they could get away with in the Mary Whitehouse era with Doctor who, but I guess they had to compromise sometimes. Recently saw an episode (it might have been Shada actually) where after offering a Jelly Baby, the Doctor reminds the recipient to brush their teeth afterwards.

And they say the current series is woke!

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama RIP

It may only be a niche that watches anime, but there are some shows that hit big in the mainstream to make a lasting impression on generations. Dragon Ball, and its sequel Dragon Ball Z were such shows that were Saturday morning fare for millions as the eighties led into the nineties. You know a show is important when it gets referenced by Buffy the Vampire Slayer! There was a time when Funimation was practically financed alone off the sale of Dragon Ball videos and DVDs.

The creator of the manga, Akira Toriyama has died of a subdural hematoma at the age of 68.

I don't know what it is about the manga industry, the work pressures, publishing deadlines, maybe an innate obsession to live up to fan expecations leading to workaholism, but so many manga creators die before their time, and it's a rare week that you don't hear of some publication going on hiatus as a mangaka deals with a chronic illness. 68 is no age these days!
Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @

RE: [VIDEO] The All New Doctor Who Thread...

Went lightning speed through the Pertwee years, and wasn't really my cup of tea. Didn't like the stranded on Earth storylines, and while the Master was good (especially in The Sea Devils), I wasn't as keen on the militaristic leanings with the whole UNIT arc. And Pertwee so wanted to be James Bond that the character's eccentricty was toned down. I didn't really get enthused until his final year when Sarah Jane came into the picture.

That carried over obviously into Tom Baker's era who was just brilliant from the beginning. This is the first Doctor that I knew although I was only aware of his latter seasons (Romana onwards). I never saw any of the episodes originally. I was living the cliche from behind the sofa where they were even scarier without the ropy special effects. But watching them again (for the first time?) I've fallen in love with the show all over again. In my mind, Doctor Who when Douglas Adams was the script editor was peak Doctor Who; as good as it got. Scary, eccentric, and absurd, I don't think the institution has been more British before or since. I also didn't know Shada had been completed with animation with the original cast reprising their roles vocally in 2017. Just started watching Tom Baker's final season, with John Nathan Turner taking over as producer, and you can see the gimmicky rot starting to sink in, although it's still great stuff.

Jitendar Canth

"I thought what I`d do was, I`d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes."

Site Reviewer at DVD Reviewer & MyReviewer

Carving out a niche with a pneumatic drill at Anime @