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Oh, the unbridled joy that only comes from stitches in your nostrils

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2024, 19:29

So Last Thursday I had a septoplasty procedure, which I mentioned I was having last year (video below). Had a good friend drop me off, as I'm back in the town it wasn't that far to the WHH (William Harvey). Check in at 12 for a day surgery. Now, bearing in mind I'm now 50, and have never undergone any medical procedure that involved being rendered unconscious (not counting having a couple of teeth out when I was a teenager), so really wan't aware of what to expect. Certainly wasn't expecting having my arse hanging out of a velcro surgical gown that was 2 sizes too small and detatched at the shoulders any time I flexed my manly arms in any way

Luckily I was advised to bring a robe, which saved my blushes. 2 and a half hours, and 3 rounds of being asked the same set of questions by 3 different people later, I was laid on a bed being chatted up by the very pretty anesthesiologist, who I'm pretty sure I had a chance with until she knocked me out, the cow. Funny thing, she jabbed me in the hand, squirted some stuff into the canula, and told me to tell her when I started to feel the effects.

Nope, not a thing, felt completely fin- so I woke up 55 minutes later and quite surprisingly became very aware of where I was, who I was, and why I had a tampon under my nose.

So dosed up on paracetomol & ibuprofen & signed off for 2 weeks. Spent another 2 hours getting my head back in the game and just trying to chill out for the last week doing bugger all. It's a chore, I know.

The only ittitation I have now is the aforementioned stitches. They're dissolvable, and they're right at the botton, in the middle, both sides of the bottom edge of the cartiledge, which is the bit they mucked around with. No picking, blowing or sneezing. Should be a doddle.

Writer`s Release

RE: Oh, the unbridled joy that only comes from stitches in your nostrils

RJS (undefined) posted this on Friday, 15th March 2024, 21:18

Glad you are ok!

I'm sure there are easier ways to get a moustache though...


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RE: Oh, the unbridled joy that only comes from stitches in your nostrils

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th March 2024, 08:27

Should have done it in Movember!

Liked by: RJS admars

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