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Info and forum posts by 'srqwerty'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 21:42, Last used: Friday, 18th July 2008, 11:10

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 63 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Do you think a good quality gaming show could still work on TV?

I would love to see a decent quality show on computer games, but I am not sure if it can ever work.

The first obstacle is that gaming is still seen by many in the `media` as something done by kids. It`s just not taken seriously.

The other problem is that it is a vast subject to cover. If you only have an half hour show, if you try to cover all gaming formats (X-Box, Sony PS2/3, Wii, PC, Handhelds, etc.), that leaves very little time per format, per show. On the other hand, if you exclude formats (say for instance, PC gaming), you run the risk of losing the integrity of the show, and falling into the trap that a lot of previous shows have fallen into - only showing the games that`ll appeal to the largest audience, which is oftentimes games aimed at kids, which brings us back to the first obstacle.

RE: Casino Royale - In Store for £007

As I understand it (I was told this, so you may want to verify it), the UK version of Casino Royal has been cut.

If you want the uncut version, CD-WOW are selling the R3 vesion HERE for £9.99.

You can get a further £1 off, making it £8.99, by first applying for a CD-Wow coupon HERE.

This item was edited on Sunday, 18th March 2007, 22:23

RE: Anybody downloaded the 360 video trailer for ut3

but have you noticed they seem to be hinting it`s as much a mision based single player as a multi tournament

In the March edition of PC Gamer there was a short preview of it. One of the producers said that they found that over half the players of UT2003 & UT2004 never went online.

They didn`t say much else about the single player campaign, apart from this:

"Rather than dump you into an arena with AI opponents, you`ll be given missions within each match: steel plans, route out infestations, or simply take down rivals. Nothing too complicated, just salt on an already sumptuous game feast."

This item was edited on Sunday, 4th March 2007, 00:01

RE: Video review of Ghostbusters (NES) - very very funny

I used to play this, when I was a young `un, and have quite good memories, but looking back it now it is absolutely appalling. Plus I never actually made it to the stairs level, so I must have been crap at games then.

I had it for the ZX Spectrum. I seem to remember the fact that it actually `said` Ghostbusters was a huge deal back then, no matter how bad it was. ;)

But yeah, like you I never made it to the stairs, and I can`t say I remember any of my friends making it that far either.

Thanks for the link! :)

RE: Driving Games for the X-Box & PS2 - Any Recommendations?

Just wondering if you have considered modding the Xbox

It`s on my `To do` list. ;) A nice chap over in the Bargain Buckets forum sold me everything I needed to Mod it, I just haven`t got round to doing it yet as I`ve been having too much fun playing. :D

Thanks for the tip though. :)

RE: Driving Games for the X-Box & PS2 - Any Recommendations?

Ah you`re like me then! I bought an Xbox only last May, and I seem to have pretty much decided to stay a generation behind it all now.

Truth be told, I`m a PC Gamer in the main, but I tend to do the same there and wait until the titles come out on budget, unless it is something that I consider to be a `must have`.

I hadn`t ever used an X-Box/PS2 before and any curiosity I had for them wasn`t enough to justify the cost over and above my PC gaming habit. But when Argos did their X-Box + 4 Games offer, the cost was no longer a factor, especially as my PC has been having a few technical problems and I won`t be able to upgrade it until later in the year.

I`ve been having so much fun with the X-Box though (more than I imagined - although I still can`t get my head around how people play FPS on these consules without a mouse and keyboard! ;) ), that I figure I will do the same with the PS2 if it is sold off cheap. :)

I would definitely recommend people stay a generation behind though, especially if they can`t afford to be cutting edge, or have no need to be up with the latest technology/games/trends. Saves *so* much money, and is just as much fun! :)

This item was edited on Friday, 2nd March 2007, 14:51

RE: Driving Games for the X-Box & PS2 - Any Recommendations?

Thanks for the recommendations - they`re very much appreciated. :)

Looks like I`m definitely going to have to get that PS2 now for the Gran Turismo games, oh well, like I needed an excuse. ;)

I`ll check out some of the other games you recommended too. One thing I love about being a generation behind, even if I don`t like the games at least I`ve only spent a couple quid on them. ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th February 2007, 14:06

Driving Games for the X-Box & PS2 - Any Recommendations?

I bought an X-Box when Argos started selling them off for £50 at the end of last year. and since then I have really enjoyed playing both Forza and PGR2.

As I nearly completed these games I also bought Racing Evoluzione and TOCA Race Driver 3 but despite their good reviews, I have been *really* dissapointed by them both and don`t think they are a patch on the other two games I have. There are lots of things I don`t like about them, but the main thing I think is just the `feel` of the driving experience. When driving it feels more like you`re driving a hovercraft or something, where as Forza and PGR2 both give a much better impression of actually driving something that has physical contact with the road.

So bearing that in mind, does anyone have any recommendations for other driving games for the x-box that I might like?

Also, I am hoping to get hold of a cheap PS2, so if anyone has any recommendations for similar driving games on that, it would also be much appreciated. :)

Cheers. :)

2 x 50p CD-Wow vouchers plus chance to win £100 voucher

If you fill in the following quick questionairre at CD-Wow, you`ll get two free 50p vouchers and be entered into a draw to win 1 of 5 £100 CD-Wow vouchers.

Not much i know, but every little helps. ;)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th January 2007, 04:12

RE: xbox games from £1.97 - woolworths

Great spot but unfortunately, most people ordering these games are getting e-mails to say that thier orders have been cancelled. >:(

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th December 2006, 09:02

RE: Bargain of the year award

pat-w`s post alerting us to Argos` X-Box + 4 games for under £50 deal;.

Have had over 50 quids usage out of it in just the few weeks I`ve had it, and that`s just playing Forza - haven`t even started on the other games yet. ;)

p.s. Merry Christmas everyone. :)

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd December 2006, 03:42

RE: Cheap DVD Imports - Pound Vs. Dollar

I`m pretty sure shipping charges are meant to be included in the certificate of value for customs

Only the actual value of the goods is meant to be included, not the shipping.

RE: X Box with four games for under £50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

close to the edge - Apparently other people have had the same thing happen to them. It seems (according to people at Argos) there was an error with the website last week that was allowing people to go through the checkout even if the item they bought was out of stock. :(

Sorry to hear it happened to you.

RE: Anybody want some CDWOW vouchers?

Have used:


Many Thanks - Much Appreciated! :)

RE: Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds CD under 3 quid

After getting an order confirmation, i have now received an e-mail saying that my order has been cancelled. It gives a list of reasons, but none of them are applicable. >:( >:( >:(

RE: Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds CD under 3 quid

Thank You! Great Spot. Was just about to pay £9 for it elsewhere!

RE: The Prisoner boxed set (incl 35th Anniv disc)

Well spotted OP, I have been after this for a while. :)

Big Brother FM Task - Podcasts Available for download.

In case you didn`t see it live, you can now download `podcasts` of this afternoon`s Big Brother FM task, where the HMs had to each DJ a radio show.

You can download them here. You have to subscribe in order to get them, but they are free and available in mp3 format.

(At the time of posting only Jennie and Pete`s are up so far - also the site is v.slow)

You can then vote to say whether you think they have passed or not here.

(Personally, I think they passed with flying colours, but if Nikki is going back in next week, there is a part of me that would like to see her on basic rations. 8) )

Watching it live, I would say that Pete and Richard`s shows were the best, but as there were a lot of sound cuts, I`ll give the others the benefit of the doubt until I`ve heard the podcats.

[EDITED TO SAY: The voting is now closed.]

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th August 2006, 20:13

RE: Double Eviction Tonight and A Rumoured Twist

I don`t think the idea itself is bad (voting for your favourite to go back in - it`s happened before)

And it failed before. I was a great fan of Jon Tickle and was excitited that he was going back in, but it was a big flop. He stated that he was going to go back in and prove that Cameron was a sham and to stir things up a bit, but when he went back in he suddenly realised that these were real people, who he couldn`t `hurt`. He also found that since leaving the house, new and stronger bonds had formed amoungst the HMs, and as a result he was left sat in the corner, doing very little. He wasn`t half as entertaining as he was when he was first in the house.

I think it`s the fact that they will be eligible to win that is wrong and p***ing most people off. Hopefully, when it gets to the final few, that person will be voted out first by the public (....or if it`s Nikki, lead out to a firing squad or something... ).

I agree, this is the worst/most cynical aspect of it. They get people to vote the HMs out, then back in, then people have to vote again to make sure that their favourate wins over the returnee.

BB have put up the `it`s all for charity` defense for the return vote, but if they hadn`t announced that the retruning HM could win the prize but had still given the phone money to charity, less people would be p***ed off about it, and they would make even more money for charity. The way they have done it, the p***ed off people won`t be voting during the charity vote, but will be voting during the final to make sure the returnee doesn`t win, which is when Ch4 get to pocket the profits.

It also makes a mockery of the reason given for `kicking` Dawn out. Why have a no contact with the outside world rule, if a HM can leave for 8 weeks, then come back into the house with a week to go and win?

Finally there is the moral aspect of it. Love them or hate them, most of the remaining HMs have been stuck in that house for over 11 weeks, and are all feeling the mental, physical and emotional strain of being cooped up in that pressurised environment for all that time, with all that it entails. Some are coping a lot less well than others. Is it therefor right to throw someone back into that kind of environment, who has stated that they want to stir up trouble, or punch someone in the face, or `take somone down`, etc. just to get a few extra viewing figures/votes? Personally, I don`t think so.

(Today`s Sun has more info about the numbers of people who have phoned to complain, etc.)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 8th August 2006, 05:03

RE: Double Eviction Tonight and A Rumoured Twist

Apparently there have been 600 complaints about this

According to the BBC it`s now more than 1000. Which in TV terms, is a lot of complaints.

Personally, I just think it`s a very dumb idea. :(

Double Eviction Tonight and A Rumoured Twist

In case you haven`t heard, there will be a double eviction tonight. This was announced on BBLB last night and has been confirmed today on the CH4 BB website.

So far it hasn`t been announced exactly how they are doing the double eviction, although it is definitely 2 of the 4 nominees that are leaving. I`m guessing it will be the two with the most votes (most likely Mikey plus either Suzie or Imogen), but who knows.

On top of this, there are rumours flying around that we will also get to vote some of the former HMs back into the secret house. At the time of writing, this has yet to be confirmed by BB or Ch4 though.

RE: Big Brother Is On Holiday In Margate

Wish they kept the automaton BB going for a bit longer, and the malfunctioning could have done with a few days more of that. The idea worked really well.

I wish they had kept it going longer as well, with more and more stuff malfinctioning. Like the lights or the door locks, and maybe have a few weird noise play over the speakers in the middle of the night, or tell them at 3am that the store room is now open, etc. :)

It amazed me how much the HMs blured reality with what BB said was going on. It wasn`t just Glyn who thought they had really gone away and weren`t watching them anymore!

RE: POLL: Who do you want to go this week?

The 22-year-old was seen rowing with fellow housemates in Tuesday`s show, which may have dented his popularity.

He`s actually had a string of rows over the past week, so his row on Tuesday wasn`t that surprising. It started during the Prison task when he and Michael has a lot of spats and were getting frustrated with each other during the night shift. He also snapped at several of the other officers during this time, so several people were getting frustrated with him. Then when the prisoners came back in the house he had an argument over nothing with Suzie. This lead to him saying that he wanted Susie and Imogen to go on Friday (whilst this wasn`t shown on the HL show, it really turned a lot of people against him, given how he was meant to be close to Imogen). So when he had spats with Jennie and Imogen this week, it was hardly a surprise.

I think the major factor with Mikey`s odds though is there are people who passionately dislike him. The other 3 who are up, just don`t get those levels of passion, and it takes that passion to make people vote.

RE: Pete & Glynn`s Dance

Going to be a tough choice who to win, and it is obvious it is going to be one of those two now.

It will be a travesty of Glyn wins. The bias they have shown towards him in both the HLs show and BBLB has been ridiculous. I am hoping it is just a case that BB were reacting to Pete being the runaway winner from the start, and needed to give him some `competition`, rather than them really wanting Glyn to win.

Don`t get me wrong, Glyn has his good points and he can unintentionally be very funny, and most the time I like him. But they have consistently not shown his bad points, his sulleness, his rudness, the way he snaps at people, his often verging on racist views, his laziness, etc., etc.

Whilst I know it`s easy to cry `bias`, to anyone who watches BBLB, think how much of it is devoted to Glyn. Think how many times a guest has come on, saying how much they like a certain HM, only for Dermot to stear the conversation towards Glyn, and the guest then suddenly saying they want Glyn to win, even though just a few seconds earlier they were saying someone else was their favourate. >:(

Sorry to rant, but as someone who loves BB and watches it almost constantly on the Live Feeds, and who belives that all the HMs should get equal treatment, it just bugs me how biased BB has been this year in their portrayal of Glyn. :/

RE: Pete & Glynn`s Dance

How did they choreograph it so well though? Rehearsal beforehand?

They have been repeating the same dance over and over and over and over again for weeks. (:¦ :(

RE: Odd Ramblings About BB

Imogene and Pete look really well together.

Imogen and Michael were the most natural looking couple in the house. it was never shown on the HLs show, but Imogen would often hug, and hold Michael during the day, and every night they would nearly always cuddle in the double bed for ages and talk when they first went to bed. If you didn`t know any different, looking at them when they were like that, you would think they had been together for a few years.

This item was edited on Saturday, 29th July 2006, 09:05

RE: Odd Ramblings About BB

BBLB`s (and BB`s in general) bias towards Glyn is getting beyond a joke. Do they really want this dullard to win, or are they just trying to give Pete some competition for the final?

RE: So with Jayne and Richard both up...

No fan here by a long shot.
Hulk was being ironic.

Ah, I see. :) Thank gawd for that, my poor little ticker can rest easy.

RE: So with Jayne and Richard both up...

Grrrrr. We was robbed.

We? Please tell me you mean that you and Craig were robbed, not that there is more than one Craig fan out there? I don`t think my heart could take it! :o

:p ;)