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Page 1 of [VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

Gaming and Consoles Forum

[VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

admars (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th May 2019, 20:54

I loved ff7, probably would have done better on my degree if it hadn't come out during my final year ;) Played over 100 hours, got my gold chocobo, beat the secret bosses etc :)

RE: [VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, 17:07

Going to download this tonight, as it's one of the "free" games on PlayStation Plus this month. Glad I didn't buy it.

RE: [VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, 18:14

I played one FF game on the PS1 (the best one I think?) and I'm in the middle of Bravely Default, but my gosh why do JRPGs take so much time and have so many random encounters!!!


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RE: [VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd March 2021, 21:57

value for money, in depth story? dunno. maybe you need the opposite of a director's cut to get you down to a manageable 10 hrs?

I played it for a bit, I need to get my head round the new controls for movement, which is fine, but combat is a little tricky, but I haven't played any of these new fangled RPGs where combat is real time, I think you can switch it to classic mode but I thought I'd give this a go.

it's v v pretty looking, sort of a shame that the in game looks like the cut scenes, rather than it switching to a nice cutesy cartoon version ot them, all looks polished and hard looking,

RE: [VIDEO] Final Fantasy VII Remake

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2021, 08:59

admars says...
"maybe you need the opposite of a director's cut to get you down to a manageable 10 hrs?"

Or 5 😂 It's funny, years ago if a game was over in 2-3 hours I would be dissappointed, now I am  "shut up and take my money!" because I may even complete it.


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