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Page 1 of [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

DVDs & Films Forum

[VIDEO] Rebel Moon

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 02:47

Could be epic 

side note why does it sometimes embed and other times you get link??

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 02:49

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 07:00

mbilko says...
"side note why does it sometimes embed and other times you get link??"

If you just paste in the link, and the URL format is recognised it becomes an embed. If the url isn't recognised, or you manually make the link by using the Edit/Insert link button in the UI and give it a friendly name, it won't be.


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Thanks from: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 07:50

Also that looks epic!


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Liked by: mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 08:04

Game of Thrones Wars

Feels like somebody knows my family.
Released on what would have been my Mum's birthday


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I am not young enough to know everything.

Liked by: RJS mbilko

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd August 2023, 21:33

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

admars (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 17th December 2023, 12:43

maybe worth watching like a car crash?

Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire review – Zack Snyder’s Netflix disaster

although it's interesting "the people" like it more than reviewers do. I'll watch it anyway

part of me wonders if it's like Ep 1, i.e. the bad reviews had been written in advance and they were just waiting for release to hit "Post"? funny how my news feed was filled of articles that couldn't wait to slag it off.

Was it Waterworld that got panned by the critics, but it ended up doing ok, because ppl wanted to see if it really was that bad? not seen it in years, but from what I remember it was quite good fun.

This item was edited on Sunday, 17th December 2023, 12:48

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 17th December 2023, 14:31

Love Waterworld, never got the scathing reviews, hey ho

Liked by: JamesW

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 17th December 2023, 23:51

I have only seen Waterworld in the cinema and thought it was dreadful, maybe the second worst film I've ever seen (first being Battlefield Earth), maybe I should give it another viewing one day.


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RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 21st December 2023, 10:18

The director's cut adds a little more to the lore (and explains exactly why the Island is the only dry land left). I've always enjoyed it, but it's Hopper's movie, not Kevin's

Writer`s Release

Liked by: marksparks999
Thanks from: RJS

RE: [VIDEO] Rebel Moon

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 23rd December 2023, 22:30

Thought Rebel Moon was ok - it's a bit generic formulaic Sci Fi, and easy to say it's a rip of of Star Wars/Star Trek/Dune etc, but some of the complaints are funny.

it's not as exciting as say Star Wars, but on the plus side it's not as boring as the recent Dune film. Funny ppl moaning about it dragging out the "getting the band" together, but other films get criticised for the rushed jumping from planet to planet to get recruits, guess you can't please all the ppl all the time.

Will be interesting to see where it goes in part 2.

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