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Info and forum posts by 'Gaffski'

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Joined on: Thursday, 5th September 2002, 23:07, Last used: Thursday, 5th September 2013, 12:09

Access Level: Elite

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This user has posted a total of 1013 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.13 messages a day, or 0.89 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: [VIDEO] Have you voted today?

9. Done.

Me and the missus were the only ones there...

I don`t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member

RE: [VIDEO] Stardust

Seen this loads of times. Love it. Michelle Pfeiffer's boob-job is great!

I agree that Robert De Niro steals it!

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RE: [VIDEO] The lighter side of a dashcam

I'm just thankful that I don't have a driver-facing dashcam..

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RE: Poo transplants

A course of antibiotics will wipe out all the good bacteria in digestion channels and leave people wide open to serious infection (certainly life threatening on occasion).

Poo pills reintroduces healthy bacteria back in, and in most cases, get your internals in order very quickly.

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RE: Will you buy 4K Blu-ray?

Where's the option "When I get a TV of such gargantuan enormity to make it worthwhile"

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RE: The Scottish Referendum

Can they go now, please?

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RE: The Man With The Ten Stone Testicles

Shame the guy died just a year after the surgery..

I missed the beginning of the programme.. what was the accident that triggered the growth?

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RE: [VIDEO] Must have home tools...

I have several toolboxes, but I always keep one in the house with essentials for everyday bits.. which will always contain - in no particular order:

Adjustable spanner
Mole grips
Screwdriver socket set (with Allen key bits)
Pliers/Wire cutters
Selection of screws and plugs
Spirit level
Stanley knife
Tape measure
Tape - electrical, masking and duct
Plastic clamps
Glue gun

Power tools and everything else DIY lives in the shed.

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RE: Inside my laptop...

I always use an air duster to blast PC fans, heat sinks and PS3 vents.

I'd be uncertain of the effect that vacuum nozzles may have on electronic innards if they've worked up a static charge..

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RE: Anyone here use a Tassimo machine?

I've had a Tassimo for a while.. It was a gift, so can't complain really - BUT I've always been a bit disappointed with standard of drink.. and when it works out at about 40-50p for half a cup of 'better than instant' coffee, well..

I stocked up on a few of the XL Caramel Macchiato (?) packs when Tesco were doing their 2 for £6.

The taste is better, but it still barely fills a cup..

Taking a couple of minutes and using a cafetierre makes a bit difference IMO.

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RE: Samsung phone brick/update

My S3 updated itself the other day.. no problem.

The OH's S4 mini also had no problems updating..

The only issue was that there are additional security features which ask for permission to install - without actually explaining what they are. After a bit of Googling I see they're part of the Samsung Knox Security install.

I get fed up with tech companies expecting all their users to be tech experts.

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[VIDEO] RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: The Christmas Music Thread

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RE: Should cyclists wear helmets by law? Who knows!

I wear a cycle helmet whenever I pedal anywhere. This sets an example to the kids (they don’t have the ‘you don’t, so why should I?’ line to use).
You don’t need a congested road with HGV’s trundling past for a dangerous accident to happen.

I grew up when no-one would knew that cycle helmets even existed! This kind of reminds me of the seatbelt law. It would be seen as a pain at first, but before long it’s second nature and you wonder why things were any different.

My main gripes at the moment are cyclists who:
- Wear headphones
- Have no reflectors
- Have ineffective lighting

This item was edited on Monday, 16th December 2013, 13:23

RE: Ex smokers...

Gave up smoking 14 years ago.. but still sneaked in a pack of 10 for the following 3-4 Christmases after that.. and a cigar when the kids were born..

A struggle when down the pub. That took a while (in the days that we were allowed to smoke inside. I reckon the smoking law would have killed that off quicker)

But can honestly say that a cigarette has not touched my lips for 10 years.

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RE: Useful Free Software Links (as recommended by forum users)

Excellent programme to keep folders sync'd.

My personal use/experience with this is that I have photos and important documents kept on a local drive and bvckup sits in the background and ensures that my NAS box constantly mirrors it.. wouldn't be without it.

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This item was edited on Monday, 14th October 2013, 22:19

RE: [VIDEO] Being caught using porn

Praise be for incognito mode!

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RE: Giant house spider?

Here's a beasty which I scooped out of my son's room the other night..

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RE: PS Vita

I currently lug my PS3 upstairs and back downstairs depending who wants to play and watch what and where... Not sure I'd pay £100 for a box to stop me having to do this when we get PS4, but I'd be interested to know what else is in development for it..

RE: Excel Question (I thought it was easy)

It might make it easier to read if you apply a custom format of £0.00p to the cells.. Glad you fingured it out!

RE: Xbox One

Intellience gathered from listening in to the discussions of my son`s football team, it would appear that kids and teens just `want XBox` because of loyalty for the 360 and will pester their parents for it.. without really knowing about the issues or taking a good look at the alternative.

PS4 is on my Christmas list!

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RE: Any home insurance recommendations?

Esure have consistently been the cheapest (or close to) for us and their customer service has been faultless.
Willing to forego the odd couple of quid the we might save elsewhere to get a human on the line whenever needed.

As with all insurances, you particular circumstances will vary in price wherever you go.. Esure may turn out to be uber expensive for you.

Comparison site all the way.. and investigate the top 3 or 4 for details and phone them up direct to see if they`ll do a deal.

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NowTV.. Hardly worth the free trial..

I signed up to NowTV as it`s free for a month and comes with a Playstation Plus voucher.

The one condition is that you must watch at least 90 minutes of streamed content. Well, it might just be me, but I was struggling to find any half decent films to do this with! Sure there are the Bonds and Disneys which I have on disc anyway but.. I just found their collection underwhelming. I was hoping to plug my `not seen` gaps in the IMDB 250..

Oh well.. press play on the PS3 NowTV.. and switch over to satellite to watch something more interesting.. and cancel.

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RE: With summer being here, how do you like the heat?

I get fed up with the people moaning that it`s never sunny or warm.. and then complain when it`s sunny and warm.

Too hot for me.. I seek the shade and slap on a coat of spf30 when venturing elsewhere.

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RE: Xbox One

The funniest bit of E3 was the price reveal of the new XBox. The reaction (lack of) from the audience was as if the person with the `applause` sign had fallen asleep..

I`m sure they would like to make a few U-turns but I can`t see how they can before launch.. They must be churning pre-configured machines out ready for the November launch.

Mandatory Kinect. Bad.

24 hourly sign-in to `allow` off-line play. WTF?

Betamax look.

The list goes on and on..

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RE: [VIDEO] Snatch Wars. NSFW.

Pure genius.. Funniest thing I`ve seen for ages.

If only Guy Ritchie got the Episode VII job..

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RE: [VIDEO] Revolution

Definitely meh..

Pleased that Sky showed the double header so that I could be sure that I wasn't interested.

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RE: Do you own a Blu-ray player?

PS3 in the living room and player in bedroom.. 

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RE: Has 3D film making had it`s day?

I saw Avatar in 3D and was initially wowed with the water droplet and internals of the ship.. and then the novelty wore off and became fed up with the specs and dark picture..

My missus hated it.. she took me to see the film as a treat.. she can`t see 3D (blind in one eye) and the projection gave her a headache and nausea..

I haven`t bothered with any other `new tech` 3D film.. (I saw Jaws 3D too)

The non-proliferation of 3D TV channels is also telling me that viewing figures for current content is barely registering.

I wonder how many 3D camcorders have been sold? They were testing them on the Gadget Show a couple of weeks ago.. impressive tech which is likely never to get used more than once.

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RE: 1 in 6 UK users download illegal content

No illegal downloads here.. I`m that 6th person!

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RE: Getting babies to sleep at night?


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This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th November 2012, 00:29